24 May Make the most of your custom photography investment….
…because it is an investment in YOU! These will be images that you (and future generations) will treasure for many years to come. Images that will evoke emotions and memories of a time long since past – but preserved forever.
You have done your research, spent hours reviewing blogs and websites, and conferred with all of your friends — and finally chose that special photographer (and future friend) to capture your family. Now the real work begins!
One of the biggest concerns is deciding what to wear (which is a whole separate article) but for the purpose of giving a quick tip – be comfortable and be YOU! If Sarah loves her purple Crocs and hot pink shades – why not bring them for a few pictures? In ten years you won’t remember a pastel flowered dress, but I bet the purple Crocs will bring a smile to your face!
The first piece of real advice I have for each and every client is SHARE with your photographer. Share who you are. Share who your kids are. Share your style and how you live. Share what you enjoy and what makes your family laugh. I consider myself an artist, not just a photographer, and I strive to capture real love and emotion which comes from a connection I make with my clients. I want to know about the pretend games your son likes to play and that special book your daughter loves to read. I want to know if your family likes to hit the silver comet trail every weekend or cuddle up on the couch with popcorn for a family movie night. I want to know who you are so I can do my very best work for you. Think of it as a return on your investment.
Assuming that you have browsed the galleries of your chosen photographer’s website, be sure to let them know which images made you smile or laugh. Do you prefer color or black and white? Are you drawn to the candid moments, the giggles and silly faces, or do you love the family on the bench leaning together in a big hug? Are you dying to have a huge wall portrait of sweet little Mary that showcases her big brown eyes, or do you want a keepsake album that tells the story of her amazing personality? All of these details will help your photographer make the most of your time together – honing in on the details that are most important to you.
The second piece of advice is TRUST your photographer. You have chosen this artist based on all of your research, now give him or her your trust to do the job. I find that all of us Mom’s (me included) have a difficult time giving up control of the situation (as it involves our children) and letting the session simply happen under the guidance of a skilled photographer. The child will always run the show during my sessions (unless they are going to do something dangerous of course!). It is important for me to connect with each child independently from the parents so they will interact with me — and feel comfortable in front of the big black box in front of my face! We will play, laugh, make silly faces, run, jump and maybe even cry – and it’s all okay. So, try not to yell “SAY CHEESE” or “SMILE!!!!” or “BE STILL” because none of these things will accomplish what we all really want – the honest, innocent smiles and soulful, gazing eyes of our children. Step back, relax, enjoy the moment and the experience of having someone take pictures of your family just the way they are today — this minute — this second.
I view custom photography as a partnership between myself and my clients. It is not just a service that I provide, but a relationship that I work hard to build and nurture over time. The privilege of being chosen to capture the essence and beauty of someone’s child is a precious gift.
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