Session Share: Fun at 6 Months!


Session Share: Fun at 6 Months!

I love photographing chunky six month olds!  At this stage in life, babies are just starting to discover the world around them.  They are growing rapidly and very active, but more often than not, they are still a little wobbly; not fully able to sit up on their own for more than a few minutes at a time.  With their lack of body control, a cushy surface is helpful to pad their fall.  When scheduling sessions, I recommend mommy and daddy’s bedroom as a natural light studio.  What better surface to fall back on than a soft padded bed? To ensure safety, I always place the baby/babies in the middle of the bed and have mommy and daddy beside them at all times.  Once everyone is in place, it is time to snap away.  Babies sitting, babies on their bellies, babies on their backs, babies eating their toes… the options are endless!
Session Share Survey:Inspiration: My clients are my true inspiration. I try to translate their connection with each other in every photo I capture.
Favorite Element
I love that mommy included her own touches, from the hair bows to the tutus.
Biggest Challenge
Photographing twins has enough challenges of its own, but I would probably say attempting to get both girls to sit up at the same time!
What Clients Said
“Amy is an amazing photographer! I was pleased with the pictures she took of our twin girls. Amy was extremely accomodating and when she arrived at our home for our session, I felt like I had known her for years.”
Final words from Photographer
: I want to say a special thank you to the Hodges family for choosing me as their photographer.  When they first contacted me to photograph their girls, they shared a piece of their lives that touched my heart.  It was only a year and a half ago that the Hodges experienced a tragic loss.  Their firstborn son was born prematurely and passed away in the NICU when he was only five weeks old.  Sadly, he never had the opportunity to leave the hospital to be at home with his family.  Shortly after his death, they found out they were pregnant and the delightful news of twins made it twice as special. Clients like the Hodges make my job that much more meaningful!
Amy Larson
[email protected]

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