19 Sep Session Share: T-R-O-U-B-L-E
These sweet little sisters from Dallas came to stay with us over 4th of July weekend with their parents. It’s funny how they each reminded me of my girls- this first cutie patootie reminded me so much of Kaylee with a bit of mischief glinting beneath that sweet and innocent little face. My instincts were confirmed as she innocently threw her Dad’s iPhone in the pool at the party we were at… and apparently this wasn’t the first time something like that had happened :-).
I’ve always jokingly said I am going to get a call from Kaylee when she is 16… she will have hitchhiked to Mexico on a whim with a band of gypsies and tattoo artists… and she’ll be at the top of a bridge ready to bungee jump tandem with Coolio. She’s just got that zest and love of life every.single.day. I wouldn’t be surprised if she brought her little friend below with her on an adventure or two…
And her sister – a little more reserved and a little more shy like my sweet little Presley. You can tell she is sensitive and loves very deeply, just like Presley. Love these girls!