22 Oct Happy Fridays: Halloween Costume Ideas!
As a kid I have to say Halloween had to be my favorite holiday. My mom was always so creative with helping me design and create the best Halloween costumes. Every little girl loves to dress up like a princess, and every little boy loves to play the superhero. These days with the amount of costume choices out there your kid could be just about anything he/she wants! To help you out I have featured some of the most popular, and some of the cutest, Halloween costumes for 2010.
Children Ages 6 Months – 3Years
1) Cow – Probably one of the more traditional costumes but still fun for kids of all ages! Also one of the easiest to make yourself. Buy a little bedtime onesie with footies, add some black felt spots, a couple of ears and voila!
2) Mike from Monster’s Inc. – not only is this costume super cute, it also acts as a candy sack. The mouth area has a built in pouch to store candy! How cool is that?
3) Lion – I can not get enough of this costume. So adorable!! And it is perfect for a little boy or little girl!
4) Elmo – this one is also one of my favorites because it is just so darn cute 🙂
5) Dragon Slayer – coming off the very popular animated film How To Train Your Dragon, every little boy will want this costume for Halloween.
6) Sleeping Beauty – Princess costumes are a most for every little girl. This one is modeled after one of my favorite Disney films, Sleeping Beauty.
Children Ages 3+
1) Cinderella – like I said, every little girl should get to dress up like a princess at least once!
2) Vampire – vampires are everywhere recently so naturally they make the list of most popular Halloween costumes.
3) Hannah Montana – This costume is also another easy DIY friendly one that any parent could throw together last minute! All you need is a blonde wig, cute dress, tights, and a pair of white boots. Piece of cake!
4) Iron Man – such a great costume for every little boy who has already been Batman, Spiderman, Superman etc. Iron Man is new and fun!
5) Witch – the go to costume for girls! I liked this one because it had so much extra flare 🙂
6) Pirate – another great idea for a boy’s costume. Traditional but super easy to give it a little extra new twist!
For more great costume ideas please check out Just Kid Costumes. Happy Friday everyone!
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