Session Share: Baby Graduate


Session Share: Baby Graduate

One of the best parts of being a child photographer is watching your littlest subjects grow up before your eyes.  Often times parents choose to purchase a baby portrait package so that all of the important milestones of the first year are properly captured on camera.
It happens every time,  I fall in love at the newborn session as they squeak and wiggle around in an attempt to become acquainted with their new surroundings.   Next, I am stunned at the 6-7 month session at the amazing changes they have undergone since I last saw them.  Now sitting up,  wide eyed and oh so smiley.  Finally, the one year session.  Graduation day!  Which is where we are in this session that I am sharing with you today.  Their personality is really starting to show at this point,  they are more curious than ever and MOBILE!!!    Even if  the babies aren’t walking yet,  they are working on it and it makes the one year session so much fun.  What I love so much about this stage is the curiosity and the exploration.  You can see it in their eyes and in their excitement with everything they are attempting to do.  It is fascinating and a stage that definitely keeps us photographers on our toes!
Outdoor sessions are great at this stage because all of that curiosity and excitement can really be brought out by being outside and in a new place.  We chose a local park with beautiful little wading pools, rustic benches and little hidden nooks and crannies that are sure to draw out any child’s curiosity.  We had a big ball and balloons too for some added fun and color, and of course the super fun “smash cake” at the end of the shoot!  It was a great session with a great family and a wonderful way to finish off  baby’s first year of custom portraits.

Lindsey McIntosh
[email protected]

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