03 Jan Session Share with Funky Photography – Sunshine Coast Photography
Inspiration: my love of everything vintage and retro, my old cameras and of course a cute little Miss N and sweet, sweet sunlight. All of these are my inspiration. All of these made my heart sing this day.
Favorite Element: for this session it was most definitely little Miss N. Such an amazing little girl, very sweet natured, curious and just adored the props we played with.
Biggest Challenge: the location. Not a ‘huge’ challenge, but I do think shooting in the woods in dappled light is difficult. Sometimes though, you just have to ‘go for it’!
What the Client said: “OMG Annie! How perfect are you! How will we ever choose? Amazing, once again thank you”
Photographer’s Final Words: In what had been weeks and weeks of relentless rain, the sun peeked out for a few minutes. When this happens, be quick! Know how your camera reacts to light, then shoot straight into the light. Sometimes you simply have no choice, and sometimes, you can surprise yourself 🙂