14 Jan Happy Fridays: Cupcake/Cake Accessories!
Planning your little ones next birthday party? Need a few new ideas to really make your party special! Well then you are in the right place my friends. This week’s post is all about cute ideas for some yummy treats perfect for any child’s birthday celebration! From cupcake wrappers, to cake toppers, we have it all! (above images from Ready Go!)
These adorable pinwheels can adorn a cupcake and also make great party favors. Created by Elizabeth St. The bottom cupcake display is a great example of personalizing the cupcakes for each one of your little guests. They can be found at Potter + Butler.
I am obsessed with all these gorgeous cupcake wrappers! You can pretty much find a set to suit every party theme you can think of. The top four come from a lovely Etsy shop called Paperfiction, and are all handmade. The bottom examples are from the wonderful Sugar Cat Studio.
Love these very creative cake toppers. They can be found at Kiki La Ru and are made from a range of different materials.
Yummy! These delectable edible cake accessories can be added to cakes, and cupcakes, for that extra little touch. Browse the rest of the selection at Andie’s Specialty Sweets.
Hope you enjoyed…Happy Friday everyone!
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