24 Feb Bathing Beauty Session Share
An outdoor tub…perfect for a splashing, sudsy 1-year-old. The most fabulous wardrobe ever created for a little girl. A mommy and daddy who love their daughter to the moon and back and clearly feel blessed to be her parents.
Favorite Element
The freakishly warm weather! 80-degree weather in October is an incredibly unusual thing in Wisconsin and made for a very enjoyable, relaxed outdoor session. The amazing golden light and gorgeous autumn color added to the day’s beauty, as well. We definitely lucked out!
Biggest Challenge
Mostly a breeze, but for a short while every time we tried to get a family shot, little Miss Isabella wasn’t quite sure she was digging that idea. The trick? Stripping down and running crazy made her a much happier girl!
What The Client Said
“Speechless. Really…speechless. You truly have an extraordinary gift and talent. The world you see and capture through a camera lens makes others open their eyes and minds to the world around them.” (Yep. I had to cry a little when I read this. So sweet!)
Photographers Last Words
A beautiful, magical session for me. Won’t ever forget this adorable family and their kind, loving, heartfelt connection to each other. Bliss.
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