31 Aug NAPCP Blog Feature: Reverie!
So unless you have been living under a rock, by now you have most likely checked out Skye Hardwick Edmonds new inspiration blog, Reverie! And if you haven’t you must certainly do so now. The definition of Reverie says it all: a state of fanciful musing; lost in a daydream. Looking through the gorgeous images on the site certainly feels like getting lost in a daydream. Each new post is bursting at the seams with a wealth of inspiration! And let’s face it, we all reach a point where we so desperately need to be inspired. I could ramble on about my love for Reverie all day, but let’s hear a little bit from the creator herself. We had a chance to catch up with Skye and ask her a little bit about the site and what inspired her to create it.
1) What was the inspiration behind Reverie?
The premise of Reverie is inspiration. There are many amazing inspiration blogs out there for photographers, but I wanted to create my own take. To not only show the end result, but to also show how the inspiration evolves from initial spark, to the final images.
2) Reverie has such a unique feel and is full of inspiring content. How important do you think it is for fellow photographers to explore this kind of creativity in their own work?
It is essential. An un-inspired photographer can quickly become a burned out photographer. Once burned out, things can quickly spiral downhill from there. I want photographers to know and see inspiration is out there. I hope to make things a bit easier by bringing together some of the creative ideas I’ve found in various formats. For example, why I include a section on Reverie on my Pinterest pins. To help get the wheels spinning.
3) What are your hopes for the future of Reverie and how would you like to see it grow?
I have many plans in store from Reverie. As to what they are, well, you’re just going to have to tune in to see! {wink}
A big thanks to the wonderful Skye Hardwick Edmonds for the interview! Now don’t waste another second…stop by Reverie right now for a look at all the yummy goodness 🙂
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