18 Oct Sun-Kissed Session Share!
Favorite Element
I am such a huge fan of back lighting… maybe a little obsessed with it really. This just happened to be an evening that gave us that perfectly soft, warm glow behind the subjects. It was ideal for emphasizing the little girl’s curly blond hair.
Biggest Challenge
As child photography goes, this was one of my easiest sessions. I can’t pretend there was a lot I had to overcome with my skills and experience. The clients were easy-going, I’ve been photographing them for years, and nature gave us an ideal setting and light… Ask me about most of my shoots and I can give you some juicy challenge details, but this one was kind of painless.
What the Client Said
“The pictures are amazing! I am having a really hard time narrowing it down!”
Photographers’ Final Words
Even though I have always been drawn to sun-kissed, back-lit images, it took me years to come out of the safety of even lighting. I used to seek shade and pray for overcast skies for my shoots. It took a lot of practice, but now I really love working with any light I happen to have in the moment. The result is more confidence in any situation, and a more diverse and artistic set of images for my clients.
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