17 Oct Product Review: Totally Rad Pro Retouch 2.0
Here at NAPCP (National Association of Professional Child Photographers) we’ve always been huge fans of Totally Rad Actions and what they do. So many of our members use Totally Rad actions for their portrait sessions to bring out individual styles in post processing. I was so excited when asked to review their latest and greatest action set, Pro Retouch 2.0.
Remember five years ago when TRA came out with the Pro Retouch action in TRA-The Original action set and it was the best thing ever? Well, now Pro Retouch 2.0 is the best thing ever! As all portrait photographers know, especially when providing in-person sales consultations with our clients on large screens, our clients are even more prone to pick up on disparities and skin blemishes on their faces. Now TRA has solved this issue for us!
Are the 34 retouching actions easy to use and quick? You bet! If you’ve ever use Pro Retouch by TRA then you’re good to go. If you’ve never used Pro Retouch or any of the Totally Rad actions then you are in luck. Doug Boutwell, creator of TRA, has some of the best tutorial videos I’ve ever seen. Step by step videos and Q&A are posted on their website at www.gettotallyrad.com.
Here is the image I used to test drive the Pro Retouch 2.0 actions:
In less than 5 minutes I used 10 actions to make subtle yet important changes to this image to smooth out lines, brighten hair, eyes, teeth and remove blemishes.
When you click on an action, a dialog box appears with instructions on how to use to use the action. Next, select your brush tool and adjust the brush size and opacity accordingly to achieve amazing results.
My favorite actions in this set that I used for our test image include Red Remover 1 for reducing redness (perfect for those windy portrait sessions that produce overly red cheeks, noses and chins!), Foundation Strong for an all around smoothing of the face, Magic Eraser for removing blemishes, Eye Pop and Iris Lightener to brighten the eyes and Bronzer 1 to bring out more color on the subjects face.
If you’re looking for an easy, quick way to modify your images so that your clients love them without making your subjects look plastic and unreal, then Pro Retouch 2.0 is the way to go!
We are excited to share that as a special treat, Totally Rad is giving away a copy of Pro Retouch 2.0 to a lucky NAPCP fan! Want a chance to win your very own copy, here’s how:
1) Like both Totally Rad and NAPCP on Facebook
2) Leave us a comment on the NAPCP Facebook wall to let us know you have entered and tell us why you would like to win!
Deadline: Friday October 19th @ 11:59pm EST