10 Sep Session Share: Simple, Subtle, and Beautiful!
My inspiration for maternity in my studio is always simple, subtle, and beautiful. I want everything to feel soft and feminine, while showing these mamas how confident they should feel, because they are all always so stunning.
Favorite Element
Mary Elizabeth came with her mom who was in town visiting and they were just a hoot together! I love when new moms come into my studio with their moms, it’s so sweet and makes the memory all that more special. Her mom helped her prepare quite a few outfit choices and we went through them all together, but I think my favorite was the white crochet dress. It was different and fun, while still staying light, feminine, and subtle.
Biggest Challenge
Always is getting mamas to feel comfortable and warm up. I don’t think, as beautiful as every woman I have photographed is, I have EVER had anyone come in without pointing out some “flaw”, added weight, etc. They all do it, and I think they’re all so beautiful and it’s my job to show them that, at their session, and when they see their images.
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