28 May Totally Rad Replichrome II: Slide Review
We are big fans of all of the innovative products Totally Rad Actions produces, so when we got news that they were releasing an updated version of their widely popular Replichrome, we just had to get our hands on it!
The Replichrome II: Slide features a collection of raw presets that were inspired by both modern and discontinued slide or reversal films. The preset pack is quite literally a special set of presets that were designed to transform your digital images to achieve the look of film. These particular presets includes Fuji slide films, such as Velvia, Provia and Astia, as well as discontinued Kodak and Agfa slide films.
Reviewer: Crystal
Used: LR Preset – Velvia 100 :: Noritsu-
I loved how this brought a warmer tone and feel to my image. The contrast was also improved – all with one click! There were so many other options that I thought looked great as well. These presets really cover the whole spectrum!
Used: LR Preset – Agfa Scala 200X :: BW
This was the perfect session for this black & white conversion. I really liked the slight grain and depth this preset added to these two images. It feels very natural, and not over-done.
Reviewer: Whitney
I love all the different film presets Replichrome II includes and being able to to create that sought after film look in just a click is amazing. For the OCDs out there, these presets are organized amazingly well which saves so much time! I’m a sucker for black and white presets and these hit the spot, every single time. Definitely worth it!
Reviewer: Alice
Used: LR Preset – Agfa 10000RS Nontsu +
This just did it for me. A subtle tonal adjustment and added punch of grain gives a seemingly normal image that special look that it needed. Timeless and stunning.
Used: LR Preset – Agfa Scala 200x BW
I love the use of grain in this image. Beautiful contrast and perfectly sharpened for a gorgeous black & white portrait.
Thank you again to Totally Rad, and make sure to purchase your copy of Replichrome II: Slide now!
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