14 Jul July 2014 International Image Competition Opens Today!
Today, the July 2014 NAPCP International Image Competition opened at 8:00AM EST and will close at 11:59PM EST August 14th, 2014. The purpose of NAPCP’s Image Competitions is to recognize the accomplishments and creative excellence of our members, rewarding their talent with medallions, priority listing on our directory, vendor endorsements, member points, titles and professional recognition. Members each receive a total of 2 Competition Credits per Competition with their Membership. Details are online!
In addition to recognizing and showcasing the talents of the industry’s top images, NAPCP also seeks to better educate and train all of its members by offering a critiquing service for photo entries. Due to the amount of time our judges dedicate to this process, a Critiquing Fee of $25 will apply for any member who wishes to receive professional feedback on submitted photos. This fee ensures that each photo is thoroughly examined and given thoughtful consideration and time.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words … and yours may be featured in our next press release. For the past five International Image Competitions, the winners announcement highlighted the names of the competition winners and received great exposure – collecting thousands of views, postings to other websites, and search index hits. Wouldn’t you like to see your name and photo sent over the wire too?
Members, start submitting your best images here!
Good luck!
The NAPCP Team
Above photo credits clockwise from top left: Kensie Malmfeldt, “Peace” • Kelly MacDonald, “Nothing Else Matters ” • Sara Brennan-Harrell, “Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright” • Sarah Sunstrom, “Waiting.”
We could not be more excited about our talented panel of judges including Lori Nordstrom, Tim Walden, Sandy Summers Russell and Kate T. Parker! To learn more you can find bios and portfolio links here!
The National Association of Professional Child Photographers (NAPCP) recognizes the accomplishments and creative excellence of its child photographer members. Image competitions reward talent with medallions, priority listing on our directory, vendor endorsements, member points, titles and professional recognition.
The NAPCP July 2014 International Image Competition will open 8:00AM EST July 14, 2014 and close at 11:59PM EST August 14th, 2014.
Members will receive a total of 2 Competition Credits per Competition with their Membership. Additional Competition Credits can be purchased for $25 each. Competition Credits can be used in any single competition, and can not roll over to the following competition. A Critiquing Fee of $25 will apply for any member who wishes to receive professional feedback on submitted photos.
Instructions/Disclaimer: Images for each category can range from maternity, family, newborn, child-specific events, sibling, etc. Category submissions are open to interpretation based on the Photographer’s perception. Categories are subject to change in future Image Competitions.
1. Maternity
2. Newborn
3. Baby
4. Child
5. Sibling
6. Seniors & Tweens
7. Family
8. Toddlers
1. Impact (40%) – the sense one gets upon viewing an image for the first time. Compelling images evoke laughter, sadness, anger, pride, wonder or another intense emotion. Story Telling also plays a part in overall Impact. This refers to the image’s ability to evoke imagination. What message does the viewer read, and what story does the image depict?
2. Technical Merit (30%) – the quality of the image itself as it is presented for viewing. Retouching, manipulation, focus, appropriate depth of field, sharpness, exposure, composition and correct color are some items that speak to the qualities of the image.
3. Creativity & Style (30%) – important to the design of an image, bringing all of the visual elements together in concert to express the purpose of the image. The photographer’s style can be defined simply through their use of light, color, or any element that enables the audience to connect with the image. Creativity is the original, fresh, and external expression of the imagination of the maker by using the medium to convey an idea, message or thought.
Eligibility: NAPCP’s International Image Competition is held twice yearly and is open to all current and active members.
1. Competition entries must be the Entrant’s unassisted original work. This includes staging, capture, processing, and finish.
2. Entries can not be a result of a workshop or a class assignment.
3. Entries can only be entered once. Entering the image more than once will disqualify the Entrant.
4. A maximum of 3 entries can be entered per Category.
5. No where on the Image submission can the entrant’s name, logo or signature appear.
6. Competition Entry should be labeled as follows: LastName_FirstName_YearA_Title
Entrants agree that any entered photograph may be used by the National Association of Professional Child Photographers (NAPCP), in any of its publications, printed materials or electronic media, such as but not limited to any of its web sites or its affiliates’ web sites. Model releases must be available for all recognizable individuals in submitted photos. Do not submit these releases unless requested.
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