22 Sep Celebrating 5 Years: Happy Birthday, NAPCP!
Photo Credit | Jenna Miller Photography
NAPCP members enjoy numerous benefits like a private Facebook Group, Free online Expert Interviews, and a professionally managed SEO directory (just to name a few). NAPCP’s mission is to promote and support the artistry and integrity of professional child photographers. To take advantage of our new member discount offer, please visit napcp.com and click on the “For Photographers” tab at the top of the page. You will find membership details and all the info you need to become a member. When filling out your application and submitting your application fee, please use the code 5YEARS to be eligible for the $25 discount on your Annual Membership Fee. Once approved for membership, the $25 discount will be applied to your full payment of annual membership dues. (Please note, the application fee is non-refundable). We can’t wait to meet you!
To continue our birthday celebration this week, we have several contests going on. Be sure to visit our Instagram page for details about winning a $100 Amazon gift card, and Twitter for details about a $25 Starbucks card. Be sure to head on over to Facebook and share our birthday balloon and send us some birthday wishes, too!
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