13 Jan Introducing Our Newest Team Member – Katie Mitchell!
With a New Year comes new surprises! We are very, very excited to introduce to you a new member of the NAPCP team! Katie Mitchell will be joining us as an Editorial Assistant. You will be seeing her lovely face a lot as she creates some fantastic content for our website, as well as assisting us with many more exciting projects on the horizon. Katie has a great eye for design, an enthusiastic spirit, and lots of fun ideas. Please give her a big NAPCP welcome!
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
My husband, Tim, is a Northern California boy, through and through. I spent my childhood moving every two years or so, first as a pastor’s kid, then as an Army brat, after my dad was activated from the Reserves. Tim and I got married when we were still babies, it seems, 7 years ago. I finished my undergrad degree after our wedding. Now we have two children (Maile is three years old, and Caius nearly 8 months). In 2008 we moved from California to Colorado so I could accept a post-graduate scholarship, and we decided to stay. We bought a modest house just east of Denver – “not quite to Kansas”, we like to joke. We miss our families, but we love Colorado.
We love your eye for style and your fantastic Pinterest Page. Share with us how you got started, and how you became a Kids & Parenting Pinfluencer.
Oh, thank you! I have been on Pinterest since its early days — way back when each member only had a select number of invitations to send to friends. For me, Pinterest is a creative space. I still love having all of my visual inspiration in one place. Instead of a physical collage or notebook, I have Pinterest. I’m a big fan of organization, and clutter is my kryptonite, so the virtual aspect has always appealed to me.
Last year Pinterest kicked off its Pinfluencer program by asking 130 pinners from around the globe to become the core of its Pinfluencer program. I fully admit that at the time, I was shocked that the Pinterest team asked me to be part of the program (I had around 300 followers). It wasn’t about number of followers, though, it was about the interaction and activity of those followers, and essentially your ability to trend forecast. A cohesive style (NAPCP members might call it branding) was important, too. Since becoming a Pinfluencer, I’ve grown my following to over 6,000 active followers. As Pinfluencers, we come up with ideas for and test potential new features, and help Pinterest put together blog posts and email newsletters … It’s a ton of fun!
What do you love about Photography and NAPCP?
Like all art, there is this incredible feeling of freedom in photography. Of being able to show others what the world looks like to you. I think that being passionate about photography is so brave, because there’s no ‘game over.’ There’s no level you can become or beat and say, “Yes. This is it. I cannot possibly get any better.” Part of photography is a willingness to learn and evolve, and that’s special.
The true community feeling of NAPCP sets it apart. Some of you may know Lisa Dowty, who is our family photographer; she raves about NAPCP and it’s obvious why. It’s an awesome group of people with a common goal of making the world a more beautiful place, and helping one another better their collective craft. That’s unique, in business.
How about a few “favorites?”
Favorite Movie: Ever After
Favorite Book: The Witch of Blackbird Pond. It’s YA, but it’s been a favorite since I was in grade school; I reread it at least once a year!
Favorite Gadget: Does a video baby monitor count? Ha! Seriously, though … I love it.
Favorite Pastime: Reading. I also love interior design, and photography, of course!
Favorite Website or Blog: Always changing. Current favorites are Design Mom, and Amber Interiors. For a more personal blog, I’m a longtime fan of Sometimes Sweet – Dani’s posts and photos are beautiful, but it’s ultimately a blog about family, and I love that she has kept it that way, in her success.
Favorite Music: Jack Johnson
Favorite Store: Nordstrom
Favorite Pinners on Pinterest: Elle Rowley, Bethany Menzel, and Jess Swenson are all consistently on point. They also happen to be fabulous small business owners/bloggers!
Check out Katie’s fantastic Pinterest page here and follow her on Instagram here.
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