14 Jan Session Share: Jen Petritz Photography: Frozen Inspired
I find myself working very hard to get the creative juices flowing this time of year! It is so cold, and hard to motivate myself to head out into the weather. A good friend of the family spent days making this beautiful Elsa dress (inspired by Frozen) for my sweet 6 year old. We found ourselves living in a snow storm for the past few weeks … and well, what a perfect opportunity to capture Elsa in her element! I loved taking these pictures, but not nearly as much as I loved sharing them with my daughter. She was overjoyed!
Favorite Element:
The blowing snow. I forget how beautiful it can truly be!
Biggest Challenge:
Making sure my perfect 6 year old stayed warm and happy! This was accomplished by blankets and hot cocoa!
Final Thoughts:
No matter the season or circumstances, we can always find inspiration in our loved ones!
Thanks so much, Jen, for sharing this beautiful session, and your darling daughter, with us. For more of Jen’s work, find her on Facebook, and visit her website here.
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