06 Apr Photographing Kids in Action, with Abbe McCracken
Youth sports. To retire or not to retire? That was the pressing question at my house. My son is a character {this is an understatement}. At age 7 he is ready to retire from sports … baseball … coach pitch. Here’s how it went down. Spoiler Alert: His very own personalized baseball cards arrived a few days ago and he no longer wants to retire. He immediately fell in love with himself and asked for trading cards next season too. Score! We weren’t prepared for retirement negotiations anyway.
Retirement: Act 1
Scene: Final game of the season {they lost}. Mother and son walking to car.
Jay: Wow that game was close! I played my best EVER.
Me: You sure did buddy! Great momentum going into next season.
Jay: Great way to end my career.
Me: Huh?
Jay: I’m going to retire, finish on a positive note. {Remember, they lost.}
I mean, you can’t make this stuff up. I’m so glad my family will get more baseball, as long as it comes with season-by-season individual trading cards. For more pictures of children’s sports and other family events around the greater Charlotte area, please visit my Life Events gallery. Be sure to check out my cute little catcher on my blog too. Jay plays in the South Charlotte Recreation Association league.
Thank you for sharing this precious account with us, Abbe! What a perfect way to kick off baseball season.
Interested in more from Abbe? Like her Facebook page, and follow her on Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter. To book a session with Abbe, contact her here.
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