18 Nov 4 Crowd-Pleasing Comfort Food Dishes for Cold Weather
It’s the middle of the week! Not sure what to cook for dinner tonight? These simple, yet pretty, recipes will win over your dinnertime crowd with their savory taste and hearty textures. (Who doesn’t love chicken noodle soup?!) We know it’s the week before Thanksgiving here in the States, but don’t fret, you can whip up these delicious meals without too much effort. Plus, if you’re a fan of your slow cooker, like we are, you can use it for these recipes! Have a weakness for black-eyed peas? This stew is sure to please, as well!
From left to right:
1. Pork Loin with Wine and Herb Gravy. Chicken is our go-to, but sometimes we want something different. With Thanksgiving around the corner, pork fits the bill. This gourmet-looking (and tasting!) recipe is surprisingly simple, and bonus: you can test your gravy-making skills before the big day next week.
2. Roast Cauliflower Mac & Cheese. Macaroni and cheese. No matter your age, we bet you like macaroni and cheese. There are about a million versions of mac and cheese on the web, and we think this one is just right for right now. For our vegetarian NAPCP-ers, cauliflower offers some protein, and for our skeptics … trust us! You’re going to want seconds.
3. Penne Chicken Soup. Enjoy a comforting bowl of this penne chicken soup a NAPCP husband declares the “best chicken soup” he’s ever had. Serve with rustic bread for noshing and dipping.
4. Chuck Roast with Balsamic and Dijon. You’re short on time and you just remembered you have company coming over for dinner. We’ve got you covered! This winning recipe takes only a few minutes to prep, and tastes extra special.
Follow NAPCP on Pinterest for more yummy recipes, and for Thanksgiving inspiration!
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