18 Mar Meet the Photographer: Katherine Jackson of The Mirrored Image Photography
Favorite Movie: Love Actually. I am a sucker for a sappy love story and it makes me laugh! Can’t get much better than that!
Favorite Book: There are so many to choose from and I love to read, although I don’t get to read much more than children’s books with a four year old, at home. If I had to choose one I would have to say the Harry Potter series. (Let’s be honest you couldn’t pick just one book from the series either!)
Favorite Lens: I am absolutely in love with my 200/f2 right now. It has been a game changer for my photography and I love the images it produces. But I am also in love with my 85 f1.4, which is a lot easier to carry and still produces beautiful images!
Favorite Magazine: Click. I love to see what others are working on and what works for them. America’s Test Kitchen, I love to cook with Lucy (my daughter) and we love to try new things.
Favorite Website or Blog: Yummly is one of my favorites, because you can look in the fridge, type in what you have, and come up with lots of great recipes!
Favorite Music: Right now I am totally in love with JJ Heller, her sweet whimsical style is just perfect. Adele is also one of my favorites, her soulful style is so beautiful and deep, something you don’t here from a lot of popular music!
Favorite Store: Barnes and Noble. I love checking out all the books, with an endless stream of coffee. Especially exploring the children’s section.
Favorite Local Spot: The beach, for many different reasons. We live just over 2 miles from Long Beach. One of our favorite restaurants is there — Sandy’s. It looks like a snack shack but has great food. We also like to picnic on the beach in the summer for dinner. It is a great place to sit and just let Lucy run. And let’s not forget, a great place to take pictures!
Photographer Idol: I would have to say Barb Uil of Jinky Art Photography for several reasons. One, I love her art. Two, I love that she has been able to make a living creating art that she loves. And three, her learning sessions are some of the most comprehensive and candid ones I have learned from. Her transparency and willingness to help others is really wonderful.
Favorite Instagram Accounts: @jamieoliver. I love his cooking, and whomever does his food photography, it makes my mouth water!
Favorite Pinners on Pinterest: Michael Wurm Jr. | Inspired by Charm. Beautiful and inspiring pages for every part of your life.
Favorite Quotation:
“The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere.
They’re in each other all along.”
― Rumi, The Illuminated Rumi
This was carved on the sand bottles we used at our wedding!
Most Interesting Place I’ve Traveled: I lived in Luxembourg for 6 months while I was still working in finance. It was by far one of the best and most defining moments of my life. I loved truly experiencing the European way of life. So much culture and so many wonderful people! I also started dating my husband while living there. Our first date was in Paris; after that I told him he could never break up with me because he would never be able to top that as a first date!
Favorite Family Vacation Spot: We have family all over, so mostly we spend our vacation time catching up with family, which is wonderful, but lately we have been surprising Lucy with occasional mini vacations to Great Wolf Lodge … she loves the water park and we love having mini getaways that are time for the three of us!
Guilty Pleasure: Ice cream! Before we adopted our daughter, we used to walk our dog to the ice cream store most nights. So often that they knew our “usual” order!
If money were no object, my occupation would be: Fine Art Child Portrait Photographer. I love what I do so much. Lucy and I stage creative shoots in between sessions. I left a job I had no passion for, to do this, and I expect I will be doing this as long as I possibly can.
What Makes Me Memorable: I am completely and utterly lacking in gracefulness! This makes me very memorable and endearing to most people. Because when you can laugh at yourself it immediately puts everyone else at ease.
A Favorite Personal Photograph: My personal favorite photo is a professional photo. I asked my mother and she has racked her brain as to who took it. She said he did win an award for it. I am trying to track them down now but 42 years later it may not be that easy. They came to our house which was unusual back then for portrait photographers. My sister and I are twins … any guesses as to which one is me?!
A Favorite Photograph from Your Business: I love this image from one of my family/styled shoots. I love that it shows the true spirit of the little girl I was trying to capture, so joyful and energetic and carefree.
How It Represents My Brand: So often I tell my clients that they need to take pictures with their kids. They can’t wait until they think they are perfect because their kids love them and see their beauty now. These are the moments that will be cherished for a lifetime.
Thank you for the introduction, Kathy! For more from Katherine Jackson, and for booking inquiries, visit her website, Like The Mirrored Image Photography on Facebook, and follow Kathy on Twitter, and Pinterest.