13 Jun Celebrate Dad: Free Printable For Father's Day!
If you are looking for a fun craft to do with your kids for Father’s Day – look no further! We created a FREE Father’s Day printable for you!
First, let your kids draw facial features and some hair on dad.
Then, let them dress him by picking out whatever clothes and accessories fit him best. They can color it, cut it out, and glue it to their dad to complete his look!
There are a few questions about dad for your kids to fill in when their crafting is complete. We even created a custom version for grandpa!
Fill out the form below to download the Dress Your Dad Father’s Day Printables!
When you download one of our free templates and do this craft with your kids, make sure you take a photo of their work, post it on Instagram and tag #NAPCPDressYourDad for your chance to be featured in the #NAPCP Instagram feed! We can’t wait to see what your little ones create!
Enjoy, and Happy (Almost) Father’s Day!
Click here to see more free printables or visit the NAPCP store at www.napcp.com/shop!
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