29 Aug 2017 NAPCP Retreat Speaker Features – Mandy Johnson Photography
What is one tip you have for new photographers? Focus on yourself, your love and your true passion. Don’t let too many outside forces decide what your voice needs to say! Being authentic is so important for people to really fall in love with you and your brand!
What do you expect Retreat attendees will take away from your class? I HOPE they walk away with a better understanding of who they want as a client! How to attract that client and most importantly how to run their business to make a great profit and service these ideal clients so they keep coming back! Everyones idea of a ideal client is different so we will cover lots of steps, no matter who that client is! Honestly, I want other photographers to realize they can make a great living, have a happy life and truly love their clients!
Where do you see your photography business in 5-10 years? Y’all, lets be honest I don’t know what Im having for lunch today or what Im doing for the weekend. I wish i was that person that could map out the next 5 years but yeah… Im just not I hope to still be making lots of little kids laugh and feel special. I hope to be living on our dream farm and welcoming clients there often to fellowship, capture beautiful portraits and i really hope my knees still work haha
How long do you spend, on average, editing an image? I have a rule…. if it needs more than one minute of editing its trashed. I edit very little and am bringing more and more film back into my workflow so i can just stay off the computer completely!
What do you feel is your greatest achievement, and how has it shaped you? Wow… honestly it would be raising two kind, generous, loving human beings. My husband and I had our kids super young and now they are both adults! At 21 & 17 we are now seeing who they are as adults and I have never been more proud of anything! They are passionate, not afraid to be themselves and truly KIND people. I couldn’t ask for anything more! I think having adult children makes me realize even more how priceless what we do for a living truly is. The photos of them growing up are everything to me and I appreciate them more each year! I also had two great losses in my life this year, add that in and both of those really shape how I love people. I love that my job allows me to continually pour into people how beautiful and special they are. Documenting moments that will one day be all someone has left is a pretty powerful beautiful story!
Thank you so much, Mandy!
Click here to read more about Mandy and all of our talented 2017 Retreat Speakers!
Click here to read more about Mandy and all of our talented 2017 Retreat Speakers!
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