06 May Free Printable – Studio Policies After COVID-19
As we begin to reopen our businesses and studios, it’s more important than ever to communicate with clients regarding safety policies. We want to help you do that by offering some freebies with basic guidelines.
Download either a 12×16″ or 8.5×11″ poster, print as many you’d like, and put them up in your studio!
More of a digital person? We’ve got you covered! Download a set of Instagram slides or stories and use them to communicate your new studio policies with clients through social media. Best part about it? You get to pick and choose which slides you’d like to use!
We hope these help ease the transition to a new normal and that we can all get back to business soon!
Click a link below to download your freebie:
12×16″ Studio Policies Posters
8.5×11″ Studio Policies Posters
Instagram Studio Policies Slides
Instagram Studio Policies Stories
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