31 Aug Your NAPCP Unity Image Competition Top 100!
After much excitement and anticipation, we are absolutely elated to present the “Top 100” images of our Unity Image Competition. In contrast to our annual International Image Competition, this competition is completely creative in nature and gives both members and non-members the opportunity to interpret the theme and submit their best images!
Congratulations to the following artists whose work has been selected to be included in the public voting portion of NAPCP’s Unity Image Competition:
Aly Elliott | Amy Tolbert | Annie White | April Cannon | Beth Ann Fricker | Betty Laurent | Carolyn Ann Ryan | Christi Curtis | Claudia Carballo | Debbie Sprague | Diogo Loureiro | Erika Holifield | Erin Michalski | Faye Sevel | Hayley Johnson | Jaye McLaughlin | Jennifer Jackson | Jennifer Petritz | Jennifer Vallina | Jenny Havens | Kara Powell | Karen Kahn | KariBeth Gentry | Kathleen Neufeld | Kim Belverud | Kristen Montgomery | Kristie Bradley | Kristy Lehman | Lena Antaramian | Linsley Schneider | Liz deRemer | Maryam Russel | Maryam Salassi | Meghan MacAskill | Melissa Pereira | Melissa Zimmer | Meridith Lynn | Nicole Ratliff | Olesya Alferenko | Pam Bell | Renee Stengel | Ricardo Silva | Sarah Lane | Sharon Neves | Sheena Magnesen | Tina Krafts | Ute-Christin Cowan
PUBLIC VOTING STARTS TODAY and goes through September 4, 2020! To view the complete gallery of images and cast your vote, click here!
Thank you to all who participated and entered their work! We can’t wait to share our winners with you all!
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