Our public relations (PR) media toolkit, designed to give you a complete kit of easy to use media products that can be tailored to promote your NAPCP awards, or other professional awards and happenings around your photography business. This toolkit will arm you with the copy, ideas and instructions to get the job done with confidence in today’s fast-paced and constantly changing PR world. Best of all, the platforms and statements included are easy to use. We assembled this with our members in mind, to give you a simple jumping off point for success. From press releases to interviews and social media, the NAPCP PR Media Toolkit will help you expand your business reach.
For more information about making the most of your win, visit our video resources page and watch “The Business of a Win” where past Photographer of the Year, Jennifer Kapala, takes us behind the scenes of her process and shares with our members all of the hard work and persistence that she implements to turn her wins into even bigger opportunities for her business.