15 Pictures to Take of Your Children This Summer

15 Pictures to Take of Your Children This Summer

As summer is in hi-swing, it is the perfect time to capture those fleeting blissful moments of your little ones. Whether you are enjoying a summer vacation, local festivities, or lazy days, attempt to capture the simple things that become indelible childhood memories. Here are some simple ideas for 15 photographs to take of your children this summer.
Enjoying a BBQ
Summer is peak BBQ season, and specifically peak hot dog consumption time. Capture a quick shot of your child enjoying summer bbq. Funny faces often ensue in this super simple capture.
Time with Friends
Our little ones will have so many friends come in and out of their lives, but childhood friends hold a very special place. Bring your camera along on your child’s next play date and have the children huddle and attempt to come up with their funniest joke or phrase while you click away and capture their time with friends.
Enjoying Cousins
Similar to time with friends, if there are other littles in the extended family, take the opportunity to photograph them enjoying each other. And while it may be challenging to photograph several small children all in the same frame, you will find it much easier if you can incorporate an interesting element for the children to sit on, climb on, hold onto, etc. Grandparents cherish photos of all their grandchildren in the same place.
Ice Cream at the Fair
Summer is synonymous with ice cream! Photograph your child getting ice cream at the fair or enjoying a cone at the local creamery. Any way you attempt it will be sweet.
Playing with Bubbles
Showcase your child’s bubbling personality and add interest to your photos with simple gleaming elements. A bubble gun, wand or maker is always a child win, especially outdoors in the summer.
By the Pool
There are few images more quintessential for summer than children in or by the pool! In the northeast we have a very limited pool season, so these moments are absolutely capture worthy. Have your kiddos make their own rafts out of noodles (while adding fun color and pop to your imagery).
In the Sand
Digging summer sand castles is one of the easiest ways to capture childhood merriment.
Running on the Dock
If you live by the water, you’re likely to find open docks that are perfect for running races. My kids love when I time them and as I count aloud I can click away. Be extra cautious and ensure boundaries are safe and secure.
Twirling at Sunset
Summer sunsets are my favorite and enjoying them with children is magical. If your little ones love to twirl, hop, skip, run, have them move toward the direction of the sun. I shot this image as my daughter told me she was pretending to be a seagull.
With Their Lovey
If your little one has a lovey from which he/she is inseparable, capture this now!
In the Sunshine
Midday sun can create harsh light that is hard to negotiate, but with careful positioning the effect can be crazy beautiful, especially when children are happy playing. Try flying a child helicopter style on your feet while lying in the grass; position the child so she is blocking the sun and photograph up toward her.
Playing Together
Above all else, the best moments are when children are playing together nicely, and specifically when it’s with their sibling(s). Photograph them together in very simple play. This does not have to be heavily orchestrated, the simpler the better; a breezy game of patty cake or more sophisticated hand song game works brilliantly (think “Down, Down, Baby, Down by the Roller Coaster”).
Host a private backyard watermelon eating contest and shoot away; the messier the better!
Carnival Rides
Summer carnivals create the perfect backdrop for color and luminous photos of your children. Bring your camera along as your children ride (or join them too!). Position yourself so that you will capture their joy and natural expressions.
Flying a Kite
Bring a kite along on your next walk, beach trip, or park visit! Take shots of your child as she attempts to launch it in flight.
Be sure to tag your images on Instagram using #napcp!

Tracy Sweeney
[email protected]
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