13 Jun Semifinalists Announced!
With excitement, we are elated to present you with the semifinalists of our 2017 Best New Emerging Child Photographer Contest! NAPCP is seeking our industry’s newest stars, and thanks to you the photographers below made it to the second round of our contest. These child and family photographers will now move to the third round, to be judged by our wonderful and eclectic panel of judges.
First Row | Filindra Newborn Photo | Claire Searle Photography | Erica Mark Photography | Kaitlin Brantner | Quiet Side Photography | Second Row | Katrina Barrow Photography | Twynn Takes Photography | Gray Dot Photography | Crow’s Nest Photography | Yofi Photography | Third Row | A. Fatouros Photography | Ashley Soeder Photography | Poppy Lea Photography | Marie Monforte Photography | Marisa McDonald Photography | Fourth Row | Natalie Buck Photography | Marissa Martine Photography | Ashley Wentz Newborns | Courtney Corriell Photography | Summer Brader Photography | Fifth Row | Jennifer Lynn Photography | Little Tin Hen | Tevi Hardy Photography | Teresa Yiu Photography | Seal Photography
Finalists will be announced early next week, then you’ll vote for your favorite photographer to be spoiled by NAPCP and our sponsors, in Atlanta!
Thank you to all who encouraged these photographers with nominations, and congratulations to our semifinalists!
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