Inspiration: I get my inspiration everywhere. I am always thinking about new set ups and new combinations. I have recently started knitting and crocheting again, so I get a lot of my inspiration from local yarn stores. I go there and could...

If you follow my blog you probably know that my four year old son was diagnosed with cancer when he was 9 months old. Neuroblastoma to be exact. A few weeks ago I had the chance to photograph a sweet little guy...

You know the moment it happens.  It's like the perfect storm.  You have a day with gorgeous weather, ending in that yummy, buttery light.  You add to it a beautiful family and everyone's feeling good!  They look great.  Mom has done a great job styling...

Inspiration: The inspiration began with the idea of a tea party in the woods. The location was chosen by the client and although I usually wouldn't head to a location on shoot day without seeing it first, in this case it was my brother and...

Inspiration: Anything beautiful, fashion blogs, my coffee table books, Martha Stewart Weddings, anything white or with sparkles...

There are so many milestones in a child's life that should be captured, and since this is the holiday season, let's not forget a picture with Santa!  For some (namely the 1-3 year olds) this can be a horrifying experience, but as we all know,...

Being a photographer, I find that I don't always take enough time to photograph my own children. For this reason, I loaded up my kids and went on a road trip with them last summer. It was so much fun! We traveled back...

Inspiration: This is going to sound completely cliche, but it's very true: my inspiration for my images is the little babies. Like many of us I surf the web for ideas or concepts that appeal to me and I always return to...