Tell the World Why They Should Call You

Want to increase your marketability to clients? NAPCP is here to help you gain the reputation and credibility you need to book your calendar! Being rewarded with a certificate of Mastery is the best way to celebrate longevity in your business, and your skill in the profession of child and family photography.

This is NOT a photo competition. Our Mastery program rewards our members by acknowledging their excellence in what they do. Portfolios are scored according to consistency and technical skill – not “best in show”. Apply now and gain recognition from our professional association, your peers, and clients. Celebrate your achievement in the industry!


Ready to get started? You need to be a NAPCP member! Mastery certification is a NAPCP membership benefit. Not a member? Apply for NAPCP membership now!

Submissions will open March 10th for

Master Photographer Certification
Child Category

Members – Login to your NAPCP Account for more information about portfolio inclusions and requirements.


Submit a portfolio of images for one of 6 categories. The objective is to demonstrate your skill and mastery as an artist who can shoot in a variety of different settings and situations, exhibiting mastery of the specific niche.

One of our reviewers will score your portfolio and you will be notified if you pass or fail. Upon passing your review, you will be rewarded with a NAPCP Certificate of Mastery in the category for which you applied. You will also receive a special emblem for use on your website and on social media, to help you promote your business to clients.

Categories Include:

  • Family – Now Closed
  • Child – Opens March 10th
  • Newborn – Opens May 5th
  • Baby – Opens July 14th
  • Studio Portraiture – Opens September 15th
  • Maternity – Opens November 10th

Please check back for a complete list of the 2025 Master Photographer Categories!


Q: Why should I apply for a Mastery Certificate?
A: Becoming a NAPCP Master Photographer in your chosen photography category is a milestone of artistic and business success. This achievement can be used to set you apart from your competition and instill confidence in your clients.

Q: How is this different than winning an award in NAPCP’s image competitions?
A: When you submit your portfolio for NAPCP Master Photographer consideration, you are not competing with any other photographer. Mastery level is achieved by exhibiting consistently proficient photography skills with multiple subjects and situations.

Q: Will I receive a reimbursement for my submission fee if I do not pass?
A: No, your submission fee covers our evaluation panel’s time to review and assess your portfolio for Master Certification.  As outlined in our portfolio requirements, there is no guarantee to pass, however our panel will provide feedback on images that do not score a 4 or higher.

Q: Do I get to see my scores?
A: NAPCP will not publish scores. However, feedback will be provided for any image or overall portfolio that does not meet the required proficiency score of 4 or higher.

Q: How is scoring different for Mastery vs image competitions?
A: Each image is rated based on the use of photography rules and skills, as well as the impact of an image as a client would likely see it, rather than how a judge would see it compared to hundreds of other images. For the purpose of mastery in this case, an image does not have to be “Best in Show”, like in an image competition. Rather, the image must be impactful to a client, while also technically great, and with application of the appropriate photography rules.

Q: How long is my certificate valid?
A: The Master Photographer designation is valid for three years. After that time, you may choose to renew your certification by following a few easy steps. Click here to learn more.

Q: Do I have to be a NAPCP member to qualify for the NAPCP Master Photographer Certificate?
A: Yes. If you are not a member, we’d love to have you join us! You can apply for NAPCP membership here.

Q: In the guidelines, it is stated that each image must have a different subject. Why is that?
A: To achieve Mastery, each artist must show a wide variety of subjects and settings. Images must be consistent in skill with various lighting scenarios, subject variety, and overall settings. A wide variety in subjects also exhibits longevity in the industry and/or breadth of work.

Evaluation Panel


NAPCP Co-Founder

Alice Park Photography


Award Winner / Master Photographer

Jennifer Lynn Photography


Award Winner | Master Photographer

KBG Photography


Photographer of the Year 2014
Award Winner | Master Photographer

Jennifer Kapala Photography


Photographer of the Year 2023
Award Winner | Master Photographer

Live Love Laugh Photos


Award Winner | Master Photographer

K-Rae Images


Photographer of the Year 2024
Award Winner | Master Photographer

Valerie Eidson Photography