Master Photographer Certification Guidelines – Newborn Category

NAPCP strives to help our members achieve their goals. We are so excited to see you taking the next step on your photography journey by becoming certified in your craft! Newborn photography certification will give you the credibility you need to sell your services to clients, and will open up many doors for you, professionally. Whether that means having a reason for raising your pricing or going out and getting more commercial work  – consider this a stepping stone to making that happen!

Unlike our photography competitions, Master Photographer Certification is not about having images that are “Best in Show”. Newborn photography certification verifies that you are a master of your craft, that you have consistent work, that you follow health and safety guidelines when photographing your little clients and that parents and businesses that hire you know what to expect. Master Photographers get the job done and get it done right. We know that’s worth a round of applause!

Do you have what it takes for newborn photography certification? Please review the terms and conditions below. Unlike our other Master Photographer Certifications, you will need to complete our short Newborn Master Certification Course after submitting your newborn portfolio. Once this has been completed, our team will review your scores and let you know if you pass or fail. Portfolios must be received by May 19, 2025  for consideration.


To be qualified Master Certification in the Newborn Category, you must complete both steps below. Please see the other tabs on this page for more details.


Submit a portfolio of 25 images for review.


Complete the Newborn Certification Course.


While each artist’s style should be apparent, the portfolio should be diverse in nature with different scenes, subjects, poses, and expressions. The objective is to demonstrate the artist’s skill and mastery of shooting in a variety of different settings and situations, exhibiting mastery of the specific niche of newborn photography.

Each image must have completely different subject, pose, scene, and overall feel. No similar images will be accepted. For example, if choosing to submit two images of a newborn in a crib, each image must be a different newborn, different crib, different setting, different angle, different overall feel (lighting, angle, perspective, etc.).

At least five images must contain parent / guardian.

At least three images should include the newborn with a sibling and/or twin/multiple.

At least 15 of all images submitted must be ONLY of the newborn (or newborns if multiples).

For the purpose of this category, a newborn will be considered a subject no more than twelve weeks old.

Composite Requirements – For any image portraying a newborn in a questionable, upright, and/or unsupported position, all supporting image files (SOOC) must be submitted upon request showing the nature of the composite image and the safety of the newborn (being supported) at all times.

Image Submission Guidelines
Submissions should be saved in JPEG format. The longest side of your image may not exceed 2000 pixels and the shortest side must be a minimum of 1000 pixels. Maximum size is 4 MB and resolution should be set to 72 DPI. Please be sure that your images are labeled 1 – 25 for portfolio review purposes. This is the NEWBORN category. Images must be named as follows:  IMAGENUMBER_CATEGORY_YOURINITIALS.jpg (3-digit image number format 001, 002, 003, etc) – For example: 001_NEWBORN_KM.jpg

STEP TWO – Complete and Pass the Newborn Certification Course

In order to ensure that all of our Newborn Master Photographers are conducting business safely and understand the special needs of their littlest clients, our Newborn Master Photographer Certification requires an additional step and all applicants are required to complete and pass a short Newborn Master Certification Course after submitting their portfolio.

You will only be asked to take the Newborn Certification Course if you pass Step 1 of certification (AKA Portfolio Review). Portfolios must be received by May 19  for consideration.

What are the Newborn Certification Course Requirements?

Watch each lesson and complete the subsequent questionnaire.

Our judges will review your portfolio based on two levels: each individual image submitted and your overall consistency of your entire portfolio. Scores will not be published. If you do not pass, you will receive feedback on images that did not receive a 4 or above. The scoring scale is as follows:


5 – Outstanding

Beautiful image that would exceed client’s expectations. No noticeable technical errors or distractions. Emotion and client impact criteria exceeded.

4 – Excellent

Beautiful image that would meet client’s expectations. Any flaws in composition or technical skill are not noticeable, or do not distract from focus of the image. Special editing or processing does not distract from the subject(s) or story in the image. Emotion and client impact criteria met.

3 – Fair

Proficient image, with one very noticeable and/or distracting problem. For example, a good image, but an overexposed good image. Or, a good image, but image focus is noticeably off, or the image contains a distracting background. A good image, but over-edited to a point of distraction. Some aspect of emotion or client impact criteria not met.

2 – Unsatisfactory

More than one problem with image that distracts from the image quality. This would include technical and composition errors, background distractions, white balance, color, light, and focus problems. This would also include over-editing that is noticeably distracting to the focus of the image. Client impact and emotion criteria not met.

1 – Fail

Does not meet Portfolio Mastery requirements.


Portfolio scores will be based on consistency of style and your perspective as a photographer.

5 – Outstanding

Portfolio is consistent in style and perspective. Regardless of different settings / styles, your perspective as an artist is exceptionally clear.

4 – Excellent

Portfolio is mostly consistent. Your overall perspective as an artist can be seen.

3 – Fair

Portfolio has several different styles and perspectives apparent. While the images may be satisfactory, it would be difficult for a client to get a feel of your style as an artist from the portfolio images submitted.

2 – Unsatisfactory

Portfolio is not cohesive in style and perspective.

1 – Fail

Does not meet Portfolio Mastery requirements.

Once your portfolio has been reviewed, you will receive an email from our team regarding pass or fail status. There are two different factors that determine whether or not you obtain newborn photography certification:


Image Scores

Images in your portfolio must score a 4 or above for Mastery Certification. In the event that you do not pass, you will be given feedback on any images that did not receive a 4 or above.

Overall Portfolio Score of 4 or 5

Your portfolio consistency score also plays a factor in if you pass for Master Certification. Judges will score the overall consistency of your work and you will need to receive a 4 or 5 to pass.

Our team will send you an email within 30 days of your portfolio submission informing you of pass or fail status. If you pass portfolio review, your acceptance email will contain a link to our Newborn Certification Course which you will need to complete in order to complete your Master Photographer Certification in newborn photography. PLEASE NOTE: You will only be asked to take the Newborn Certification Course if you pass Step 1 of certification.  All portfolios must be received by May 19, 2025 for consideration – no exceptions will be made.


The portfolio submission period for the Newborn category will be open May 5 through May 19, 2025. Your portfolio MUST be submitted during this time frame for consideration – no late submissions will be allowed. If you miss the deadline, you may apply for Master Certification in this category again the next time it opens.

The Newborn Certification Course must be completed within 7 days of passing portfolio review. 


A fee of $160 dollars will be required upon submission of your portfolio for this category.


Q: Why should I apply for a Mastery Certificate?
A: Becoming a NAPCP Master Photographer in your chosen photography category is a milestone of artistic and business success. This achievement can be used to set you apart from your competition and instill confidence in your clients.

Q: How is this different than winning an award in NAPCP’s image competitions?
A: When you submit your portfolio for NAPCP Master Photographer consideration, you are not competing with any other photographer. Mastery level is achieved by exhibiting consistently proficient photography skills with multiple subjects and situations.

Q: Will I receive a reimbursement for my submission fee if I do not pass?
A: No, your submission fee covers our evaluation panel’s time to review and assess your portfolio for Master Certification.  As outlined in our portfolio requirements, there is no guarantee to pass, however our panel will provide feedback on images that do not score a 4 or higher.

Q: How is applying for Newborn Certification different from other NAPCP Master Certifications?
A: Applicants will have to complete a Newborn Certification Course in addition to passing a portfolio review. All other Master Certifications only require a portfolio review.

Q: How long do I have to complete the Newborn Certification Course?
A: You will only need to complete the course if you pass your portfolio review. Applicants will have 7 days from the time they receive word that they have passed portfolio review to complete their Newborn Certification Course.

Q: Will I receive a reimbursement for my submission fee if I do not pass?
A: No, your submission fee covers our evaluation panel’s time to review and assess your portfolio for Master Certification.  As outlined in our portfolio requirements, there is no guarantee to pass, however our panel will provide feedback on images that do not score a 4 or higher.

Q: Do I get to see my scores?
A: NAPCP will not publish scores. However, feedback will be provided for any image or overall portfolio that does not meet the required proficiency score of 4 or higher.

Q: How is scoring different for Mastery vs image competitions?
A: Each image is rated based on the use of photography rules and skills, as well as the impact of an image as a client would likely see it, rather than how a judge would see it compared to hundreds of other images. For the purpose of mastery in this case, an image does not have to be “Best in Show”, like in an image competition. Rather, the image must be impactful to a client, while also technically great and with application of the appropriate photography rules.

Q: How long is my certificate valid?
A: Your Master Photographer designation is valid for as long as you remain a NAPCP member.

Q: Do I have to be a NAPCP Member to qualify for the NAPCP Master Photographer Certificate?
A: Yes. Join us in celebrating our child and family photography community by applying for membership today!

Q: In the guidelines, it is stated that each image must have a different subject. Why is that?
A: To achieve Mastery, each artist must show a wide variety of subjects and settings. Images must be consistent in skill with various lighting scenarios, subject variety, and overall settings. A wide variety in subjects also exhibits longevity in the industry and/or breadth of work.

Submissions will open May 5th for

Master Photographer Certification

Newborn Category

Evaluation Panel


NAPCP Co-Founder

Alice Park Photography


Award Winner / Master Photographer

Jennifer Lynn Photography


Award Winner | Master Photographer

KBG Photography


Photographer of the Year 2014
Award Winner | Master Photographer

Jennifer Kapala Photography


Photographer of the Year 2023
Award Winner | Master Photographer

Live Love Laugh Photos


Award Winner | Master Photographer

K-Rae Images


2024 Photographer of the Year
Award Winner | Master Photographer

Valerie Eidson Fine Art Photo