2025 Media Kit

Everything you need to know to partner with NAPCP.

Established in 2009, NAPCP is the premier association dedicated entirely to professional children, family, and portrait photographers. Our organization is uniquely comprised of professional business owners devoted to capturing children, family and portraiture, setting us apart as the go-to resource for those in our specialized field.

NAPCP is driven by 3 unique pillars:


We are passionate about nurturing the growth and expertise of our members through comprehensive educational resources. We offer a plethora of educational opportunities, including in-person business summits, workshops, & professional photography adventures. Our online workshops provide accessible learning experiences tailored to the needs of photography businesses. Additionally, our business-focused member forum serves as a hub for sharing knowledge and insights. Members also benefit from educational articles featured in our magazine, Inspired.


Recognition is key to fostering excellence within our community and industry. NAPCP hosts two prestigious International Image Competitions annually, offering members the chance to showcase their work on a global stage. The coveted Photographer of the Year award celebrates outstanding talent, with the winner’s work prominently displayed in Times Square. Furthermore, members have the opportunity to be published and recognized in Inspired magazine, furthering their visibility and reputation in the industry.


Central to our mission is fostering a vibrant and supportive community of like-minded professionals. Our vibrant community thrives through a variety of in-person events, including ambassador-led gatherings, getaways, adventures, and retreats. These events provide invaluable opportunities for networking, collaboration, and personal growth. Additionally, our active online community fosters connections and support among members, ensuring that no photographer feels isolated on their journey.

These pillars drive our mission to support and elevate our members in every aspect of their professional journey.

In essence, NAPCP is more than just an association; it is a dynamic ecosystem that exists to promote and support the artistry and integrity of professional child, family and portrait photographers. Interested in learning more about partnering with NAPCP? Please see our partnership options below, and reach out to connect!

Member Statistics

The NAPCP community is a group of photographers specializing in portraits, family photography, and child photography. If you are looking to advertise to this type of group, you’ve come to the right place!

  • Professional Photographers

  • Female

  • Male

  • United States

  • Other

Average Age

35 - 50 Years

Top Countries

United States



Instagram Stats

  • Female Followers

  • Male Followers

  • 35 to 40 years

  • 45 to 54 years

  • Other


332% Non-Followers

19.3% Followers


65% Non-Followers

64% Followers

Sponsor a NAPCP Event

NAPCP has developed a reputation in our industry for hosting unique experiences that stand out in the landscape of professional photographers. We pride ourselves in creating opportunities that enrich our community’s professional and personal lives, with each event catering to the unique challenges of running a successful photography business.

Please find a listing of our highly acclaimed events below, with a description of event opportunities you can get involved in!

NAPCP Ambassador-Hosted Getaway

A 2 day education-focused getaway experience hosted by a NAPCP Ambassador for an intimate group of NAPCP members.

FOCUS:  Shared, collaborative business conversations amongst NAPCP members, collaborating on a creative photoshoot experience, and establishing deep connections among like-minded professional photographers.

HOST:  NAPCP Ambassador

ATTENDANCE:  Intimate group of 15 NAPCP members

FREQUENCY:  1-2x’s a year

NAPCP Retreats

A 3 day education-focused workshop experience hosted by NAPCP for our larger membership community.

FOCUS:  Teaching seasoned professions on upleveling their business, photography, sales and marketing, financial planning and more. Over the course of 3 days, NAPCP hosts several events and provides endless opportunities to learn, grow and connect with our membership community.


ATTENDANCE: 50-75 NAPCP members and 5-8 speakers

FREQUENCY: 1x a year

NAPCP Business Summits

A full day of business education summit.

FOCUS:  Increasing our photographer members’ revenue streams and profitability in business.


ATTENDANCE: 30-50 NAPCP members

FREQUENCY: This one day summit is held in Atlanta and we bring in 1-2 speakers to present innovative business techniques and facilitate business conversations. This hands-on workshop is all about understanding your financials, learning new strategies for sales and marketing, and executing on those big financial goals.

NAPCP Marketing Mastermind

A 2 part virtual event where NAPCP co-founder, Alice Park unlocks her strategy for achieving big dreams.

FOCUS:  Each attendee receives a downloadable link to NAPCP’s exclusive Marketing & Business Planner, and a ticket to our New Year. New Goals. Masterclass. Our goal is for each attendee to walk away with a road map and plan to create exceptional content, market their ideas, and smash through their professional, personal and financial goals.


FREQUENCY: This virtual event is hosted in January each year.

Adventures by NAPCP

A 2 day adventure experience hosted by a NAPCP Ambassador or member for an intimate group of NAPCP members.

FOCUS:  A once-in-a lifetime photoshoot experience, typically at a location most photographers would dream of photographing at, and exploration of the area’s rich culture, food, people and landscape.

HOST: NAPCP Ambassador or Member

FREQUENCY: 1-2x’s annually

NOTE: Potential locations for NAPCP Adventures include: Banff National Park, Yosemite National Park, Acadia National Park, and more.

NAPCP Inspired Gallery Event

The NAPCP Inspired Print Competition & Gallery Event is the only competition of its kind. Artists from around the globe submit their work each year to this exclusive competition.

FOCUS:  Showcasing the world’s Only the Top 100 images advance on to be displayed in a beautiful gallery event at NAPCP headquarters (Park Studios) in Atlanta, GA where there is LIVE judging. 9 winners are then announced in-person and are given awards in an intimate setting where we celebrate them as artists. This in-person event is a celebration of photography and attracts photography enthusiasts around the Southeast.

NAPCP International Photography Competition

A globally acclaimed annual digital/online photography competition.

FOCUS:  The purpose of the International Image Competition is to certify and commend images from our Member Community that epitomize compelling impact, creativity and style, technical merit, and overall distinction. Critiques are available for the purpose of education and growth.


FREQUENCY: 1x a year

NOTE: Nine Best in Category Winners are featured in Inspired magazine; Placing Winners and Images of Merit from all categories are featured in the online International Image Competition Winning Galleries. Additionally, Image Competition rewards talent with medallions, priority listing in our directory, vendor endorsements, NAPCP Photographer of the Year points, press, and professional recognition.

NAPCP Photographer of the Year

The distinguished title of Photographer of the Year for NAPCP is the highest award one can receive.

FOCUS:  Showcasing outstanding achievement in our International Image Competitions.


FREQUENCY: 1x annually

NOTE: This prestigious designation will be awarded based on a point system that is cumulative from both the International Digital Image Competition and the Inspired Gallery Event & Print Competition. The recipient of this title receives a cash prize from NAPCP, a collection of prizes from our NAPCP vendor partners, and the opportunity to be featured on a billboard in New York Times Square. This is the highest distinction in NAPCP.

The Elevate Summit, hosted by NAPCP

The Elevate Summit is a 2 day immersive in-person live event designed to revolutionize the small business owner’s journey. 

FOCUS:  This live summit caters to all creative entrepreneurs seeking tangible takeaways for long-term goal identification and strategy development. Our curated lineup of industry experts, ranging from artists and designers to writers, is geared towards providing invaluable insights and success secrets tailored to the creative profession.


FREQUENCY: 1x annually

NOTE: 1x every 3 years

NAPCP Ambassador-Hosted Gatherings

NAPCP Gatherings are planned and hosted by NAPCP Ambassadors who are literally the eyes, ears, and face of our global association.

FOCUS:  Our Ambassadors endeavor to create personal relationships and networks on a local level and foster the collaboration that is a hallmark of NAPCP.

HOST: NAPCP Ambassadors. Currently, approximately 40 Ambassadors serve NAPCP in 40 different cities, worldwide.

FREQUENCY: 2x a year: in the Fall and in the Spring

Sponsor a NAPCP Giveaway

Unparalleled brand visibility with the NAPCP Giveaway – a monthly extravaganza that goes beyond the usual. As a key partner, you’ll be at the forefront of our social media and member community, reaching a diverse and engaged audience of professional photographers. We curate prize packages that stand out as the epitome of excellence, showcasing the best products and services from our esteemed vendor partners.

By sponsoring the NAPCP Giveaway, your brand will enjoy prime exposure, aligning with the very best in the industry. This strategic collaboration not only positions you as a leader but also provides a unique opportunity to connect with our thriving community of photographers. Elevate your brand’s visibility and impact by joining us in our monthly giveaway! 

NAPCP Vendor Partnership

Support NAPCP as an exclusive Vendor Partner. Get your information in front of a wide audience of photographers by offering an exclusive discount for NAPCP Members only. Your logo will be displayed on NAPCP’s homepage and on our Vendor Discounts page.

Advertise With Us






ONE PAGE – $500 (1 ISSUE)


i.e. – This issue sponsored by xxx with one line and a link back to your business.



Advertising Guidelines

– NAPCP reserves the right to revoke or refuse any advertiser that does not meet the highest standards of design, quality, and customer care. Assistance can be provided for a fee.

– Ads should be simple and clean, and they should include a logo and tagline about the business.

– All banners and buttons should be in JPG format.

– Finished promotional pieces should be emailed to us no later than 1 week before the scheduled send. If not received by indicated deadlines, NAPCP will have the sole discretion of timing for replacement campaign.

– All advertising options must be prepaid.

Sponsor an Inspired Academy Course

More details coming soon!

Want to Work With Us?

Are you interested in one of the opportunities above? Fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch!

Which marketing opportunity are you interested in? (required)
Event SponsorshipRetreat SponsorshipCompetition PrizesPhotographer of the Year PrizesNAPCP GatheringsGiveawaysVendor DiscountsSocial Media AdvertisingInspired Magazine AdsDedicated Targeted EmailsMonthly Newsletter Ads

Please click here to upload your company logo for use along with at least 3 images we can use to help promote your business. Please note: All logos must be in vector format.