image competition Tag

With the Image Competition in full swing, we asked our judges to share some of their expertise with our members for submitting the very best images.  Here is some excellent advice from Tim Walden: When evaluating photography I like to compare it to standing on two...

As NAPCP continues to grow, one of our most important goals is to celebrate the success of our members.  The International Image Competition (going on now) is one of the many ways we do this, and this year there is even MORE to get excited...

NAPCP is currently hosting it’s bi-annual International Image Competition. Selecting images for submission is critical and can often times be an overwhelming process for our members. We’ve reached out to our distinct panel of judges for expert advice on what they look for specifically in...

Hello friends! After much excitement and anticipation, we are absolutely thrilled to announce the winners of our January 2013 International Image Competition. Uniquely focused on child photography, the NAPCP International Image Competition featured a range of image categories, including Babies, Newborn, Children, Family, Maternity, Siblings, Toddlers, and...

Hello! The January 2013 NAPCP International Image Competition will be closing TONIGHT at 11:59PM EST. The purpose of NAPCP’s Image Competitions is to recognize the accomplishments and creative excellence of our members, rewarding their talent with medallions, priority listing on our directory, vendor endorsements, member points, titles...

The purpose of the NAPCP Image Competitions is two-fold: 1) To recognize and highlight the creative excellence of our members 2) To encourage improvement of standards through evaluation and independent critique of members' work Twice a year, NAPCP hosts an International Image Competition where our team spends a...

Hello! Don't miss out on your chance to enter the January 2012 NAPCP International Image Competition! The competition closing date has been moved to February 17th at 11:59pm. The purpose of NAPCP's Image Competitions is to recognize the accomplishments and creative excellence ...