Jane Ammon is based in Fleetwood, Pennsylvania and is a photographer who believes in childlike delight, especially if you are an adult. Take a peek into her gorgeous camera bag below. In Her Bag, On the Web: 1. We love both of Jane's bags: the Jo Totes...

To celebrate the kiddos heading back to school over the next couple weeks, we are offering not one, but TWO free downloads today! Dress your little one in style for his/her first day back with one of our adorable iron on T-shirt transfers. Links below! Learning...

In Her Bag, On the Web: 1. Awesome Canon 5D MIII Camera! 2. Try new lenses and find favorites, like this Canon 50mm 1.2L. 3. Always have room for more photos with SanDisk Memory Cards. 4. This is genius! Clean out pesky smudges with a Lens Pen. 5. Everyone always...

Making the most of the boatload of family vacation photos: Now that every member of your family has incredible picture-taking power at their fingertips, your vacation images are likely spread out across multiple devices and have been liked, pinned, tweeted and hashtagged across a half dozen...

Hello! The July 2014 NAPCP International Image Competition will be closing TONIGHT at 11:59PM EST. The purpose of NAPCP’s Image Competitions is to recognize the accomplishments and creative excellence of our members, rewarding their talent with medallions, priority listing on our directory, vendor endorsements, member points, titles and...

  In Her Bag, On the Web: 1. The gorgeous Canon 5D MK III. 2. We love having multiple lenses on hand! 3. Always keep a pen and your journal handy - you never know when inspiration or a great business idea will strike! 4. Who goes anywhere without their...

As the end of summer draws near, and kids gear up for school to start once again, we asked our members to share some images that highlight the fun of vacation.  And oh what fun they had!  We hope you delight in seeing all the...